IAM Local 2409 Microsite
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International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers

Local 2409 Microsite


Cornell Law School
     The Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure, Federal Rules of Evidence, Uniform Commercial Code, and other key reference works available on-line at this site now available in linked and structured pdf format
District Lodge 27
     Website of our Parent District Lodge, here in Louisville, KY
E-Activist Network
     You're more powerful than you think, especially when you join together with hundreds of thousands of others and make your voice heard. The Working Families e-Activist Network is one way you can do that.
Instruction and Registration card
     Register To Vote Instructions for completing a voter registration card:
International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers,ALF-CIO/CLC
     The home of the IAM!
Kentucky AFL-CIO
     The right to join a union of one's choice is unquestioned today, and it is sanctioned and protected by law. ~ Harry S. Truman
Kentucky Revised Statutes
     The statutes provided at this WorldWide Web site are an unofficial posting of the Kentucky Revised Statutes as maintained in the official internal statutory database of the Kentucky Legislative Research Commission.
Labor & Workplace
     A link to many other links related to Labor,Labor News,Labor History,Opinion & Editorials and much more!
     The Machinists Non-Partisan Political League is the political arm of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers.
National Labor Relations Board
     A good resource tool for employee workplace rights
Official US Executive Branch Web Sites
     This page contains Executive Branch sites only. With the time we have available, it is not possible to keep this page totally comprehensive. Agencies are often included because they requested to be listed.
OSHA site index
     OSHA A-Z site index
Register to vote!
     Make your voice heard! Voting is your civic duty. The Internet makes it easier for you to register. Every state has a web page that explains registration requirement. While none of them (yet) allow you to fully register online, most of them allow you
Resources for our Stewards and Perspective Stewards
     This page is designed to provide the union steward with a ready reference tool to help him in his important job.
Stewards Update
     This page is dedicated to those of you who are willing to take the challenge of leadership by accepting the responsibility of representing your fellow union members.
The William W. Winpisinger Education and Technology Center
     The Winpisinger Center teaches what it is to be a trade unionist.
U.S. Department of Labor
     U.S. Department of Labor
Union Communication Services,Inc.
     we publish and distribute steward advice, labor news, graphics and books that help progressive union leaders rally their members and build their unions.

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Last modified: 2/18/2010

Copyright 1996-2001, The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers